You can always try to find a permission bypass, or just ask a friend to write the USB for you (assuming you have any).
Cry and whine in a corner somewhere., but they can probably take away your Chromebook perms if they find out. Check your district's Technology agreement just to be sure.
The only person who could potentially tell if you unenroll is the person in charge of the Google Admin console, but only if they specifically check your device. It will show as "offline" and nothing more, although they might get suspicious after a very long time.
If you play it safe and not stupid, you will probably be fine.
Yeah, it's pretty easy. All you need to do is to obtain three more USBs of the same size, and put them onto a crafting table.
You probably downloaded the wrong board.
Or the exploit has been patched, which will likely happen when ChromeOS v109 is released (although this answer will probably be updated by then).
Shim files average around 5GB, so no.
No idea. You should probably go get a life.