Inspired by r/k12sysadmin 👽
Mercury Workshop members
CoolElectronics: Creating the SH1MMER payload
r58Playz: GUI script & misc development
vfrog: Infiltrating Lenovo headquarters to get shims, also adding a firmware-level keylogger
generic: Adding firmware-level irwinCoin miner, and hosting alternate file mirror & getting audio to work
ULTRA BLUE: Testing & discovering how to disable root-fs verification
Sharp_Jack: Creating the wax automation tool
Unciaur: Testing
TheMemeSniper/Kaitlin: Testing
OlyB: Scraping more shims
CVFD: Scraping more shims
Rafflesia: Hosting & building shims
Catakang: Building shims
Bypassi: website design
aub: testing